Friday, December 22, 2006

It's all about US

Scanning the radio and TV is a frustrating exercise in Virginia. The most striking thing is that all of the stories are purely focused on domestic issues - inane issues at that. A sampling of issues that have won the headlines in the US:
  • Rosie O'Donnell vs. Donald Trump on the handling of the Miss USA drunkenness scandal.
  • Deep fried turkey party causes labor dispute at Dulles International Airport.
Admittedly, Geneva had its share of inane issues that seem to still be smoldering, but for the most part, the majority of coverage seems to be on international issues that tend to be more weighty. A recent notable exception is on SwissInfo and covers the Swiss Navy. Yes. Swiss Navy. Play the video for Miami Vice lushiousness.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

One month report card

It's been a little over one month since my return to the states, and it's time for a checkup.

Returning to work.............................F
Being back with my honey.................A+
Traffic jams....................................D
American coffee...............................C
American "baguette".........................D
Getting a king sized bed....................A
Being subjected to "Greys Anatomy"....C-
New versions of "Family Guy".............B+
Looking forward to TV shows.............F
Reading Le Matin online jealously........B
Eating Hersheys..............................C