Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How to be famous in Switzerland

  • Have headshots made up
  • Purchase Adobe Photoshop and mock up an advertisement
  • Modify shots and slap a Gucci brand on it
  • Contact Swiss newspaper to run ads
  • Have newspaper send bill to Gucci
  • Move to Sweden and gloat to your friends

    Winner of the Un-PC Award

    Overheard on a crowded DC (mixed population) bus:
    • White 20something woman: "I don't know why Luke applied to Howard (University) law school. I told him that it might be a stigma on his resume and all."
    • Responder: (Obviously asking the question we are all asking ourselves right now).
    • White 20something woman: "Well, you know - employers might think he's black or something and wouldn't want to hire you."

    And these are the same Coach-bag wearing, macchiato-drinking yuppies that wonder why racism is getting worse.

    Monday, February 26, 2007

    Mea culpa y'all

    The state of Virginia just issued a formal apology for enslaving millions of Africans and exploiting Native Americans. They are apparently using the same PR firm that the Vatican hired for apologies. Galileo was unreachable for comment.

    Friday, February 23, 2007

    Now we know why Swiss cheese is so damn good...

    Switzerland's Agriculture Ministry has called on the country's farmers to stop feeding their cows cannabis. Swiss farmers consider the crop a cheap and easy to grow plant for their cows. They believe that THC "makes cows happy and produce more milk".

    Goats in Switzerland were unavailable for comment but overheard to say, "Freakin' hippies."

    Americans Hate Money

    Large bills, that is. I presented a $100 bill to a 7-Eleven clerk and almost had to call 911 because I thought she might flip out. She was looking at the bill like it was foreign currency and didn't compute. It's something that the Swiss don't seem to blink at - the presentation of god-awfully large bills that force the clerks to use up the entire till's worth of change.

    Friday, February 16, 2007

    Fist Bumpin' with the Oldies

    Since when did the fist-bump become so ubiquitous that elderly immigrant men started doing it? I just got a fist bump from the 68-year old Lebanese guy that runs the cafeteria in my building. I know that Budweiser mocked it during the Superbowl, but aw hell - it's just plain awkward now.

    Celebrating the One Year

    Today, February 16, I am celebrating the one-year anniversary of traveling to the land of milk and cheese. With that in mind, I proclaim February 16 as Fondue Day. So go get your beat-ass wedding registry fondue set out of storage, get some gruyere, and cheese it out.

    Wednesday, February 14, 2007

    It sucks to be a kid in the US

    American and British youngsters have a more troublesome childhood than their European counterparts, according to a United Nations study presented in Berlin on Wednesday. They're poorer, get on worse with their parents and take more risks. In comparison with children living in other rich countries, those growing up in the USA and the UK have the lowest quality of life, the study says.

    Drinking baby in Ireland was unavailable for comment.

    Friday, February 09, 2007

    They are among us

    The number of the Swiss living abroad is growing constantly and now exceeds 645,000, the foreign ministry revealed on Thursday. If the guy next to you on the metro offers you his seat, he just might be Swiss.

    Bootstrapper Bat-Utility Belt

    Entrepreneur? Great post on web apps that can help you out here. Mind the "fad"-y appeal to a lot of these sites (e.g., LinkedIn), but lots of good tools nonetheless.

    Bad Ass GUI

    Remember that random video from a TED conference presenting a wicked touch-screen GUI? Well, it looks like they've modded it into a fully-functional user interface. Take a look here.

    Cowboy Up

    Trying to get back on the horse is hard as hell. After beating up myself over having ignored my beloved Bonheursuisse like a new puppy a week after Christmas, I've undertaken a personal challenge to keep this site alive and quasi-interesting. I'll attempt to post at least an interesting comment or link once every other day. Humor might be spartan. Just have to warn you.