We were looking to get into some more trouble and decided to hop back into Geneva and take the train 50 minutes east, along Lake Geneva, to Lausanne. We had a quick lunch on the lakefront (which I would say kicks the Geneva lakefront's butt) and a siesta on the cement retaining wall, surrounded by rollerbladers and skateboarders. We woke up an hour and a half later hungry and slightly sunburned.
We stumbled towards the bus to catch towards the old town and in 5 minutes found ourselves overlooking the entire city from the Cathedral of Notre Dame - by far the nicest example of a cathedral I've seen thus far. The expected narrow, cobble-stoned streets adorned the old town area and were a pain in the gluteus to walk around. Definitely more of a vertically-challenged city than Geneva. Before catching the night train back, we topped off the day with a waffle smeared with Nutella at the local kiosk that was blaring Bob Marley. Perfect end to a perfect day.
Just returned from a ski trip to Klosters - working on post. Leaving tomorrow for Easter holiday in southern France (Die, Bourdeaux, Crest).
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