Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oktoberfest 2006

Back by popular demand, the remix - this time, Oktoberfest 2006.

"... It naturally follows that German men, who have been wearing lederhosen for generations, would naturally be attracted to the David Hasselhoff-style of leather hot pants. That and your ass feels so suede-y."

Nipple Chafing
"... Lederhosen suspenders need to come with band aids. The starch in my shirt turned my chest into ground beef."

Explaining that 'cin cin' means 'penis' in Japanese to a drunk Italian
"... There's 45 minutes of my life I will never get back."

Bryan Adams - Unofficial hero of Oktoberfest
"... The scary thing? This passed-out mother of two sitting next to me was probably singing 'Gitarzan' during the summer of '69."

Strange cover band setlist choices
"... How did Highway to Hell become a Bavarian drinking song?"

Drunken singing and lip-synching
"... Watching gigantic tents full of people singing Bavarian drinking songs made me more teary than watching Maurice Cheeks save that little girl during the national anthem in the 2003 NBA playoffs."

Possibility for Bio-Dome 2
"... Don't tell Pauly Shore this place is called 'wiesn'. His agent might smell a comeback."

Bavarian food
"... I didn't know you could EAT kartoffel kloesse - I'm using mine as an exfoliating loofa back in the hotel."

"... Dirndls make ugly women look decent, decent women look fantastic, and fantastic women look like Paris Hilton. Interestingly enough, Paris Hilton in a dirndl looks like the hot daughter of Elrond - the one that went to beauty school and Tolkein decided to edit out. This is apparently the zenith of the dirndl - to look like a hottie elf from Middle Earth."
Flickr set from Oktoberfest is here.

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